Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Garry's Mod - Rube Goldberg Trap

Garry's Mod - Rube Goldberg TrapI've always wanted to make a Rube Goldberg trap, so here is a prototype. I'll make a better one another time. The so-called 'G-gun trick' is taking the gravity gun, grabbing and fireing the explosive barrel, then while it's in air you grab it with physgun and freeze it, it will now explode when it touches anything. The ground trick is using Advanced Ballsocket, setting minimum value to -180 and maximum to 180 of all of them, the set free movement and nocollide on, click the prop, then the ground, and you can take it through the ground (make sure it's frozen, it will simply fall if it isn't). With the ball it's pretty easy to make the line of two signpoles with weld and a duplicator, and remember, shift-E the first two in place, else the ball will constantly fall. Now make a prop on the end where the ball STARTS. Make it nocollide with whatever hits the ball (in this case the pole), and then let make it invisible with colour-tool. Now just have some patience with the ball, it should be alot easier to place. If you have any questions, ask and I'll do my best to answer.
Author: Minteah
Duration: 1:39

Photos for video
Garry's Mod - Rube Goldberg Trap
Video Garry's Mod - Rube Goldberg Trap Garry's Mod - Rube Goldberg Trap Garry's Mod - Rube Goldberg Trap

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